Monday, November 05, 2007

Fashion in 2020

Originally uploaded by ☠ tell no tales ☠

MP3 players built into jackets, internet sites where you can design your own clothes... You can already see the effect today's technology is having on fashion. So we asked our BT futurologist, Ian Pearson, what he thinks will be next:

Clothes will get a life of their own
Soon we'll be wearing jumpers that can generate power, either by solar power, or in electromagnetic, thermal or mechanical ways. And we'll be able to store music and videos in our actual trousers (not just in the pockets).

Our clothes will interact with our surroundings
There could soon be microchips in buildings, furniture, packaging and even food. These could all interact with chips woven into our clothes.

Designs themselves won't be affected
Because microchips are so small, fashion designers will be able to add gadgets and electronic devices to clothes without needing to change the designs.

We'll make our own clothes
A funny throwback to years gone by, but thanks to cheap production and design software, more and more of us are going to get into it.

Beauty will still be in the eye of the beholder
But not as you might imagine. High-tech contact lenses already make it possible to scan images onto our retinas. If this becomes mainstream, we'll be able to superimpose computer-generated images onto what we see in the real world, including images of each other. So fashion designers will need to design virtual fashions. And we'll have to worry about our digital appearance as well as our physical one.

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